If playing the piano would be an Olympic discipline, the sisters Dördüncü would be winning medals with their energetic and flawless performance.
If playing the piano would be an Olympic discipline, the sisters Dördüncü would be winning medals with their energetic and flawless performance.
Tilburg Music Festival in Holland, September 2014
The opening concert of the 2014/2015 season is remarkable in multiple ways. To begin with the two sisters from Turkish origin, Ufuk and Bahar Dördüncü, with a passion for 4-handed pieces. They have played together ever since they were young, which can be recognized by their virtuose performance with one harmonious sound.
But they do not only perform as a duo. Together with percussionists François Volpe and Sébastien Cordier they form the Makrokosmos Quartet. Music for this combination is very rare: the four found each other during a performance of Bartoks Sonate for two pianos and percussion and stayed together as a quartet, after which respected composers such as Heinz Holliger and Brian Ferneyhough wrote pieces for them.
This sonate from Bartok, that dates back to 1937, will also be played in Tilburg as part of a special collaboration project with newly graduates from Fontys Conservatory. It is expected to be a special performance for which also the national radio broadcast network AVRO has showed interest.
The concert will end with the lovely 4-handed adaptation of Stravinsky’s Le sacre du printemps. This transcription dates back to the time this piece was written in 1913. At that time this piece was received with uproir and as a scandal, but nowadays Le sacre is considered as one of the biggest masterpieces of the twentieth century.
So we open the season with beautiful firework. Schubert’s Fantasy in F-minor, the starting piece of the concert, does not affect this in any way. On the contrary: this piece, written by Schubert only few months before his death, is considered as a highlight in the works for 4-handed piano.